Noah + Ivette + Ed

Endling’s Love Song

My piece is an illustration and a story, based on an article by science author Ed Yong, about the word “endling”. An endling is the last surviving member of an endangered species.

My story and illustration are based on an article in The Atlantic by Ed Yong: Ed has given written permission that I retell part of that article. My wife Ivette watercolored the animated illustration I drew.
Ed Yong, Ivette Hermann
My interpretation of Dear Future
We’re capable of great good, so my message to the future is a hope and an ask. As much as we’ve destroyed in the name of greed, progress, or just carelessness, we’ve created wonderful things. The extinction in this age of so many species means countless leaves have been burned from the tree of life, but we can grow them back with science we already have. So I ask the Future to remember to keep this lost life close to its heart. I ask its people to recreate.
My interpretation of Dear Future
We’re capable of great good, so my message to the future is a hope and an ask. As much as we’ve destroyed in the name of greed, progress, or just carelessness, we’ve created wonderful things. The extinction in this age of so many species means countless leaves have been burned from the tree of life, but we can grow them back with science we already have. So I ask the Future to remember to keep this lost life close to its heart. I ask its people to recreate.
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