Linh Hà

06 Career Strategies for Beginners

While learning the "tips" on job finding, I came across the idea of categorizing career paths and made a poster out of it.

My interpretation of Dear Future
Does our future depend on your career? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. We are no longer fighting with tigers for raw meat and collecting fruits for sugar, so the only thing we can do to be able to survive is to choose a career that will protect us from sleeping on the street or dying of hunger. Choose it wisely, people. Because what doesn't kill you physically might kill you mentally. Disclaimer: This is not financial advice
My interpretation of Dear Future
Does our future depend on your career? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. We are no longer fighting with tigers for raw meat and collecting fruits for sugar, so the only thing we can do to be able to survive is to choose a career that will protect us from sleeping on the street or dying of hunger. Choose it wisely, people. Because what doesn't kill you physically might kill you mentally. Disclaimer: This is not financial advice
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