Beverly Chen

Train Dreams

Since the last two years I think I have become accustomed to looking at life with some degree of shortsightedness. It’s been difficult to imagine much beyond

what’s in front of one’s own two feet. Only recently I came to remember a dream I had longed for.

Being able to positively fantasize about the future has been something I’ve been becoming reacquainted with.

That is what’s illustrated in Train Dreams

My interpretation of Dear Future
Next month, I ride the California Zephyr to see North America in one large swath. When I dreamed of making this trip in 2019, I was a different person than I am today and the world was a different place than it is now. I feel a sense of anxiety about the idea of moving forward, but an equal restlessness for views of a changing landscape. I find comfort in dreams of golden mesas, steel bridges, the Colorado canyons and egg salad sandwiches.
My interpretation of Dear Future
Next month, I ride the California Zephyr to see North America in one large swath. When I dreamed of making this trip in 2019, I was a different person than I am today and the world was a different place than it is now. I feel a sense of anxiety about the idea of moving forward, but an equal restlessness for views of a changing landscape. I find comfort in dreams of golden mesas, steel bridges, the Colorado canyons and egg salad sandwiches.
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